We Have The Perfect Optics For Spring Turkey Hunting!
If you ask any avid turkey hunter, they tell you there is no better season to target the American Wild Tukey than in the Spring. Wild turkeys have a habitat range that spreads across the vast majority of North America! This is all the way from Canada to Mexico and coast to coast. Because of their widespread abundance, wild turkeys have quickly become one most widely pursued and popular bird species to hunt over the last decade. Spring turkey hunting can be one of best and most exhilarating times to capitalize on targeting these large game birds. We’ve put together a list of the optics gear you’ll want to consider bringing to make your hunt more successful.Monoculars
When the warming temperatures of Spring begin to rise, big tom turkeys and their flocks of hens begin their mating season rituals. This timing presents an optimal opportunity to target these big, bearded males. They are exceptionally responsive to a hunters efforts to call them in. However, well before any calling or stalking begins, you’ll need to locate their flocks first. The best time to hone in on your targeted flock of turkeys is the night prior to spring turkey hunting. After selecting the area you’ll be hunting, you’ll need to do some recon to find exactly where they are roosting. Once night falls, take few evenings to stealthily walk the area looking for their tree roosts.
Binoculars and Red Dot Sights
Now that you’ve hopefully been able to locate your roosting flock, it’s time to get set up. You’ll want to find a go-to feeding ground that is adjacent to where the turkeys are roosting. They are likely to head straight to these areas first thing at dawn when they come down from the roost. This is why setting up well before shooting light is a must. Grain fields that edge up against tree lines, clover fields that are just starting to pop up, or hollows heavy with mature white oak can be a great place to find Spring turkeys gorging themselves on fallen acorns leftover from last fall. Even open soil area where they can scratch for insects is ideal. Having water sources nearby is also critical to them. They will walk to and from their feeding to drinking areas continuously throughout the day.