Style 1: Standard crosshairs with thick stadia lines on the outer edges, with thinner lines towards the center of the crosshairs. Simple, yet effective.
Style 2: Similar to the standard crosshairs, this also includes horizontal stadia lines below the center of the crosshairs, good for hold-offs. Not set up for any specific caliber, you will use your own range data to set up holdoffs for different distances.
Style 3: Opposite of style 2, this option has vertical stadia lines on the horizontal axis, allowing easy hold offs to compensate for windage.
Style 4: Open style crosshairs with only single dot in the center, with a few dots below on the y-axis. Good for quick aiming and bolt drops on crossbows.
Style 5: Minimalist crosshairs with only a center dot and further out three stadia lines. Gives a full view of the target, while still providing a reference aim point.
Style 6. Two intersecting lines of dots. Shows a full reticle line, but able to see more of the target than the straight lines of a normal reticle. Dots can be used for elevation or windage holdoffs as well.
Style 7: This is a simple crosshair with only a few wider stadia lines below the center. This is useful for shorter range holdoffs.
Style 8: Similar to 7, but with more space between the stadia lines. Better for holdoffs at longer ranges.
Style 9: A combination of Styles 2 and 3. This style has Stadia lines and ½ Stadia lines on all 4 main lines forming the crosshairs.
Style 10: Similar to Style 9, but with the stadia lines more spaced out and extending farther in all 4 directions. It has a simple dot in the center where the x and y axis meet.
Reticle Off: This allows you to use the scope to view/track targets without a reticle present. Allows full view of the screen.

What are Stadia Lines?
Stadia lines are lines above and below the main crosshair. They are used to understand the scale of an image viewed through the scope.
When adjusting the magnification of the scope, the distance between stadia lines will increase/decrease with the magnification, similar to a second focal place scope.
This ensures that you can use your hold-offs at any magnification.

What Reticle Colors Does the Thermal Scope Offer?
The X-Vision thermal scope offers black and white reticle colors. We recommend choosing a color that has the most contrast with the
palette setting.
Thermal imaging displays the differences in temperatures, so hot objects will appear as a certain color different than their background. Palette settings are what color that contrast appears in. Here’s the lowdown on different palette settings.
White Hot setting displays hotter objects as white on a black field. Green hot displays hot objects as green, and blue hot displays them as blue. Red Hot displays hotter objects as red on a field of white.